
09.06.2012 | Education Tour to Poland


Within an education year for the charitable project leaders of Caritas St. Petersburg, our staff undertook a study tour again, this time to get familiar with the structures of Caritas Poland.


05.06.2012 | (Russian) Интересно узнать!

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25.05.2012 | 70th birthday anniversary

Dear Friends,

26 May 2012 marks the 70th Anniversary of the birth of Rev. Msgr. Hartmut Kania.

 We invite you to join us with your personal prayer for Rev. Hartmut.

 Employees and volunteers of Caritas St. Petersburg



22.05.2012 | (Russian) Положение детей в Санкт-Петербурге. 2011 год.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.


10.05.2012 | (Russian) Приглашаем на семинар!

23.04.2012 | (Russian) Пищевая зависимость: булимия, анорексия, компульсивное переедание

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| (Russian) По святым местам.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.


18.04.2012 | Study trip to Paris

As a part of this year's education program, a study trip to the Secours Catholique / Caritas France was organized for project managers of Caritas St. Petersburg on April 9-13, 2012. It was attended by managers of our social projects for low-income, disabled and addicted / co-addicted people.


12.04.2012 | (Russian) Вот и долгожданная выставка!

11.04.2012 | (Russian) Обучающий семинар