About Caritas
Spiritual life
For volunteers
Деятельность Каритас охватывает всех нуждающихся, не зависимо от их
этнической принадлежности,
национальности, вероисповедания, социального статуса и других особенностей.
We are a charitable organization fulfilling the social ministry of the Catholic Church.
We contribute to the revival of principles of the Christian mercy and charity in the society.
"Caritas" – translated from Latin - means "Charity, Christian love." Christian charity requires not only personal participation, following the call of your heart, but it is also a social, properly planned and organized activity.
Ten years ago, on the 17th of March 2001, Hartmut Kania, a prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, died at the University Hospital of Berlin. For many people inRussia, the death of Hartmut Kania was a heavy loss; his life was an example of a real Christian.
This man was considered a good Christian. He has never ceased to pray. He prayed in the morning and in the evening. And of course in the night, too. We can say that this man was a "spiritual" person because he thought a lot about God and constantly read the Bible. In addition, he always participated in the Sunday service and assisted in the parish. The only thing he could not understand why there are so much poverty and misery in the world. He could not get it how God, who is so good and almighty, could create such an imperfect world full of injustice, wars, lies, diseases, and.... poor people.