Caritas St. Petersburg


The activities of Caritas include 
all people in need, regardless of their ethnicity, 
nationality, religion, social status 
and other features

"Caritas" – translated from Latin - means "Charity, Christian love." Christian charity requires not only personal participation, following the call of your heart, but it is also a social, properly planned and organized activity.

"Caritas" is a charitable organization founded by the Roman Catholic Church over 100 years ago to become a source and a vital center of solidarity, support and service to people.

The purpose of the organization "Caritas" is to spread mercy and justice wherever they are most needed.

In St. Petersburg, Caritas was registered in 1993. The activities of our organization cover all types of social support and self-help initiatives, are being carried out on an non-commercial basis, and are based on Christian and human values.

Tasks of Caritas St. Petersburg:

To provide charitable assistance to vulnerable populations, regardless of their religious affiliation or nationality, namely to children, the elderly, youth and families in need. Caritas pays special attention to the sick, the disabled, singles, disadvantaged large families, prisoners, displaced people, migrants, refugees, stateless persons and the homeless.

Number of employees and volunteers: over 150 people working in 24 charitable projects.

The staff and volunteers of Caritas have the task to enable every needy person to participate in social life without constant outside care and assistance, to carry out independent economic activities, as well as to support a person in crisis, helping and supporting him.

Geography of work: City of St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, cities of Pskov, Tikhvin, and Murmansk.

Actions and activities of Caritas include all those in need, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, social status and other features.

The church demonstrates through its social and charitable work that the charity knows no borders, neither race nor class and religious ones.

"Hasten to do good works" - the motto of Dr. Friedrich Joseph Haass (Russian: Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz), the "holy doctor of Moscow", became the motto of all staff, volunteers and friends of Caritas, for whom the charity has its origin not from the persons in need, but from those who do not pass by someone else's misfortune, who would give their time, strength, and sometimes the last penny for a good cause.