A visit to fairyland…

There is a truly magical place in St. Petersburg... Although it is located in a real house and has a real address - Alexandrovsky Park 1a - it is truly magical ... In this place live various fairy tale characters, which we love since childhood. This place is an Interactive Museum Theater "Skazkin Dom" ("Fairy House").

On 14th February, the mothers from the project "Mother and Child" and their children gained the wonderful opportunity to visit the "Fairy House" for free and to participate in the performance "The Snail and the Sun".

During one hour of performance, they learned a lot about the forest dwellers, whom they previously sometimes did not even notice: these were the Snail, the Ant, and the Caterpillar.

Thanks to advices of Aunt Snail, the courageous children from the project "Mother and Child" could gather a jolly forest crowd, were not afraid of the sly Fox, and set out on a journey to the Sun."Сказкин Дом"

Polina Zadnepryanaya, the mother of two beautiful girls, Sophia and Christina, remembers their visit to the "Skazkin Dom":

"The best gift for Valentine's Day for me was the participation of my children in the interactive performance "The Snail and the Sun".

I and my girls (1 and 3 years) have now very rarely an opportunity for an outing. Maybe that's why I did not know about the existence of such performances, which are so well thought out and prepared by people, who not only love children but are also capable of seeing the world through the eyes of a child.

"Сказкин Дом"The performance was intended for viewers aged one to four years. Although the actress playing the Ladybug was alone, she was able to easily establish contact with all children. At first, my older daughter was carried away by the plot of the game performance, after a while even my youngest began to dance straight on to skillfully selected music.

I was deeply touched by the friendly atmosphere in the "Skazkin Dom" and the extraordinarily rich imagination of the creators of this wonderful fairy-tale city, where the whole performance took place in. It was possible to touch all the decorations, use a playground slide, come to visit Doctor Aybolit (a veterinarian from the children's book by Korney Chukovsky, the name means "Ouch, it hurts!") and crawl through a narrow way to the Turtles and other inhabitants of the city. When all game tasks were fulfilled, all the friends gathered in a forest meadow to finally see the appearance of the Sun, which they have waited so long for."

The project "Mother and Child" cordially thanks to the Interactive Museum Theatre "Skazkin Dom" for the given possibility to attend the performance "The Snail and the Sun" free of charge!