International Day of Older Persons

Dear Friends,

Today the whole world celebrates the International Day of Older Persons.

Even in an affluent society, the advanced age represents the most difficult time in life. This life period, however, can also transform into a "golden age", if the older people are supported by their families. Then they can find comfort and security, follow their interests and take enough time for their family and themselves.

How do lonely and helpless elderly people live in our country, if they don’t experience any support from their relatives? Who is lonely and old in Russia today and in addition suffers from a disability, is located on the edge of disaster.

Lonely elderly people whose mobility is impaired due to their diseases live isolated both from their peers and from society. They have to rely on occasional help by their neighbors, friends, or public social workers. Many old people are desperate and tired of struggling for life. They lost their self-confidence and cannot solve their problems without outside help.

In order to support the lonely old people, give them joy, faith and hope, help them cope with their age crisis, maintain and restore their physical and mental strength, on May 1, 2001, the Caritas Nursing Home for single and elderly people opened its doors.

Now 19 people constantly live in the nursing unit, every year the Nursing Home cares for up to 30 older persons. Sisters of the Order of St. Catherine of Alexandria, the Nursing Home staff and volunteers give their love to the residents and allow them a dignified life under excellent living conditions, daily care and qualified medical assistance. Through their work, our employees prove to the old men every day that they are loved. Our staff cares not only for mental and physical health of the residents, but also tries to extend the active phase of their lives, offering them games, lectures, plays, concerts, lectures, nature outings and excursions into the city.

The seniors take part in the life of “their house” with pleasure; they perform even certain duties according to their possibilities. Volunteers and students from the theological seminary are constantly near them. Both work and entertainment are always a matter of the community. This conveys to the home residents a feeling of wholesomeness; they understand that they are needed. They are reminded once again that they do not waste the by God allotted time useless, but they actively use it and can spend it in a cozy circle of interested and open-minded people.

The nursing home is a specific and one of the hardest projects of Caritas St. Petersburg. Last year, 11 people have passed away. But we hope that through the efforts of our employees, the hearts of the people were filled with confidence again, they found peace and could quietly accept death.

Young and healthy adults, do not forget your parents!

Give them your love and take care of their health and mental peace!